June 1st, 2012 began the project RESILience to climate change of MEDiterranean FORests - RESIL.FOR.MED (LIFE11 ENV/IT/000215), promoted by an Italian partnership and co-financed by LIFE+ the financial instrument to supporting the environmental policy in the European Union.
The project stems from the need to identify new forestry practices while improving the existing ones, in order to promote the ecological resilience of Sicilian forests particularly prone to desertification.
Desertification is taken as indicator of the effects of climate change and the practice of man-made degradation (illegal cutting of the wood, fire, grazing).
The project seeks to identify concrete measures that will facilitate the sylvicultural choice through the implementation of six demonstration areas located in the region. Within these areas will be made 120 hectares to test and demonstrate techniques pursuing five main objectives:
BP01: interventions to promote diversification of forest while improving hydrogeological management
BP02: interventions to renaturalization of man-made forests
PB03: interventions to recover marginal lands
BP04: interventions to develop structural complexity of forests
BP05: interventions in favour of connectivity of agro-forestry systems
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